Sunday, September 3, 2017

Cop Assaults Nurse For Following Hospital Policy...Symptom of a Bigger Problem

There's been a lot of coverage about an incident where a cop wanted to draw blood from an unconscious patient at a hospital and the attending nurse refused him citing hospital policy and even got her supervisor on the phone to confirm the policy.  

The supervisor advised the cop to cease his badgering of the nurse at which point he became hostile and began assulting the nurse.  He slammed her into a wall and handcuffed her and then pushed her into a patrol car.  The whole incident is on film from a cop's body cam; the nurse is asking him to stop asaulting her and asking for help. 

The rogue cop insists that he was acting on the orders of his Lieutenant.  It is said that they wanted to draw blood from the unconscious patient to see if there were drugs and/or alcohol in their system which could have resulted in the accident that landed the patient in the hospital.

No charges were ever filed against the nurse,  even though several threats were made against her by the rogue cop as well as his Lieutenant.  In addition, they also ordered her to break the law/hospital policy to comply with their orders.

The nurse has retained legal council and the nurses' union that oversees the profession are outraged and are also looking into legal action. Meanwhile, the local police dept. tried to sweep the incident under the rug and didn't even bother to suspend the rogue cop.  It appears that is changing now as this incident went viral and nationwide news stations have covered it.

What is the story behind the mind set of these cops that seem to be of the opinion that they have the right to order females around and expect them to break the laws and codes that govern their profession?  I think I know.

These males are a throw back to the 1950's where a woman was still supposed to know her place in society and expected to follow the orders of a male over her own better judgement and defer to the male's orders.  This breed of male hasn't evolved to the state that most modern males have evolved.  Women are chattel, vassals, property.

When a woman stands up to them and tells them no, it is a direct threat to their implied authority as a male and it is very threatening to them.  This threat to their manhood results in violence and/or an abuse of their power which occurred in this particular incidence. This makes them feel impotent and most males do not dig that feeling.  Ergo domestic violence.

With the onset of the 1960's, women began to change and see that males were not the ultimate authority and in many cases were horribly wrong on issues.  In the home males were supposed to rule the roost with an iron fist and it didn't matter if they were wrong or not, the females were supposed to follow their orders and not have their own opinion, solution or idea, but all that was changing and the females were saying NO.

Today, there is a struggle going on between those that are evolved and those that are not. It's hidden in the religious ideology of the Christian Right which is trying to control the people's political powers that be in Washington D.C. The buzz word here is "peoples".  Not male or female, just people.  POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

So many policies that sprung up out of the enlightened evolution of people are now under attack by Christian Right politicians and their cohorts/donars. Primary among those is Planned Parenthood, Roe vs Wade and rape.

I personally do not believe in abortion, but I believe everyone has the right to decide the fate of their fetuses and their bodies.  I'm told that there are no females involved in the decision making process of medical coverage for females from the federal government. This is wrong, but is an indication of what we can expect from the Christian Right dominated political structure that has permeated Washinton D.C.

As a result of this backwards ideology coming from the Christian Right, Planned Parenthood is under attack as well as Roe vs Wade and rape.  Women are under attack.  Our values, our choices and choice of lifestyle are being eyed with suspicion and contempt.

This attack comes in the form of attitudes toward rape and other sexual misconduct toward women.  The changing mindset is the work of the Christian Right which is seeping into this territory of ideology. 

I was recently involved in a situation where a male coworker was filming his female coworkers peeing in the coed restrooms. At the end of the day, this person is going to get a slap on the writst for his violation of implied privacy and expectation of privacy.  The L. A. City Attorney's office told me point blank that this was a low priority misdemeanor offense and nothing more.

I explained that all I did was use the restroom and had not deliberately put myself in a situation where my privacy would be so heinously violated. The answer came back that it was a misdemeanor and therefore did not warrent providing counciling services to cope with the violation to my female coworkers and myself.

I'm pretty sure that this male perpretrator was not interested in filming men using the toilet so to me this is a direct assault on women and their right to privacy. This also applys to men that shove cameras under a woman's skirt/dress and films her private parts.  They are released in a few days and that is that. A misdemeanor.  The news has made sure that we are apraised of what happens to females that are raped with the primitive Christian Right  "boys will be boys" mentality.

Pretty soon this country will be propelled back to the 1950's where women are mere vassals/ property and not subject to having their own rights, minds, opinions and health care.  Case in point is Viagra vs Birth Control Pills.  Viagra is covered in health insurance, but NOT Birth Control Pills.  I am told that they are considered a pre-existing condition.  For those that do not know what Viagra is, it's a drug used to treat Erectile Dysfunction in males. 

Do not deceive yourselves into believing  that our rights are not under attack, they are as I have laid out with just a few of many examples. The Women's March that went world-wide is a very real show of power... power that is threatening to many males that are now in seats of power of the people with women on their hit list.

United we stand, divided we fall...Power To The People!

1 comment:

  1. Nurse Wubbels appeared on NBC's Today Show this am and said that she didn't know what the guys problem was...I know.


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