Thursday, May 7, 2020

The next Syndicate Scenes from X-Files Season 3 Episode 2: Paperclip

The "Syndicate" is a group of men that operate with the respectable cover of politics in Washington, DC.  They are men of power and unlimited access to those that can benefit their nefarious endeavors.  In the case of this "Syndicate" it is nothing like the organized crime family known as "The Syndicate" which is made up of several ethnic groups that are pretty much into the same things as the Mafia/La Costa Nostra.  This "Syndicate" has tentacles that reach into the sacred realms of our government and its hallowed halls of governance.  These men have made a secret deal with a group of Extraterrestrial Alien Colonists to colonize the Earth hence the name "Colonists".  There is also a group of Alien "Rebels" that are opposed to the plans to Colonize the Earth and take over.
This brings to mind the theory explored early on in this series of blogs where the sightings that have now been documented and released to the public where the concept of the sightings being the "enemy" of those Aliens that have taken over DC is examined. What is really thought provoking is why did the Pentagon wait until very recently to release the tapes that acknowledge that there is a whole fleet of Alien Drones out there?  The taped encounters happened years ago...why now?
We are now in the midst of a catastrophic pandemic called COVID-19 Virus that is keeping people inside their homes and very paranoid all across the world.  If one thinks about it, why not now when the entire world is so preoccupied with acquiring toilet paper and obsessed with purchasing disinfecting wipes, hand sanitizers and now meat who is going to notice.  People are rioting in the streets and at their City Halls.  They are carrying weapons and are not wearing masks or wearing gloves. Those that are wearing masks are not covering their noses. In the X-Files the "Rebels" have their mouth and nose covered up to keep from being infected by an Alien"Purity" virus.
This occurrence is something I said was going to happen at Easter time and here we are. I've labeled them "Morphing Mutant Zombies."
There are plenty of theories about how this COVID-19 Virus began as the agent of world-wide death.  Some say wet markets in China while others say from a lab in China and that it's manmade.  Other's have linked Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci to the lab for the purpose of creating a pandemic and then find a vaccination to inject everyone in the world with some kind of "micro chips."  Or could it be a "Purity" virus straight out of the X-Files.  Still others say that isn't the case at all; it actually is a result of Climate Change and the Polar Ice Caps melting which is allowing ancient germs to surface.  These germs are like nothing Scientists and Doctors/Epidemiologists have ever seen.  If these germs are prehistoric I'm guessing they haven't developed a vaccination against it.  To those that subscribe to this interesting theory, the reason that #45 hasn't acknowledged this as the source of this dreadful virus is because he doesn't believe in Climate Change or that the Polar Ice Caps are melting as a result of the Climate Change.  Ergo #45's co-horts pander to his ego just like in "The Emperor's New Clothes."  #45's questionable co-horts include Mitch McConnell,  Lindsey Graham and Brett Kavanaugh as well as those that hold cabinet positions that they are not qualified for.  Some have resigned the way former Secretary of Defense General James Mattis did and fled for their lives while others were fired by #45 because they simply would not comply.

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