Friday, May 15, 2020

X-Files S03E02 Paper Clip - Skinner, Smoking Man and Albert Hosteen scene

In this scene we learn about the Navajo tradition of remembering the past history by telling it to a number of others so that it will not be lost.  This is a concern now as Navajo Elders are dying from the COVID-19 virus without having imparted all of their wisdom.
Again the character of Albert Hosteen puts in an appearance to back up FBI head Skinner as he tells the "Smoking Man" from the "Syndicate" that Hosteen has memorized the secret tape about secret government projects and if Agents Scully and Mulder are harmed in any way that Hosteen will start telling the contents chapter and verse as well as the others. Operation Paper Clip is an actual operation that brought over Nazi scientists to the USA for "scientific" purposes.

The X-Files Men In Black Wants Mulder The Earth Has A Secret To Tell/The Truth Is Out There

As we sail into the harbor of a new X-Files season it becomes evident that the "Men In Black" are not fooling around.  They mean business at whatever the cost.  As we have explored, what they've done to those members of the military that encounter Unidentified Aerial Phenomena/UAP, it is their job to clean up/scrub anything that leads back to any kind of trail or evidence of an Alien presence in our realm.
It wasn't until April, 2020 that the Pentagon decided to release actual footage of UAP sighings in the midst of a deadly Pandemic called COVID-19.  This was a call to arms for this investigative journalist.  News that we knew existed all along, due to our own sightings, had finally been handed over by the Pentagon's UAP Task Force.  This task force had been funded by an organization crafted by Blink-182's Tom DeLonge via his "To The Stars Academy."  This "academy" just celebrated its 5th anniversary. The "academy" had funded the task force to the tune of $22 million dollars as was previously reported.
As far as we were able to ascertain a fellow by the name of Luis Elizondo was the person that ran the UAP Task Force up until a few years ago when it was suspended officially.  Elizondo has offered up that the person he reported to was the then US Secretary of Defense former General James Norman Mattis known by some as Mad Dog Mattis. Mattis has a reputation as a no nonsense kind of leader that one could believe in and follow without worrying about improper protocols or ill-conceived maneuvers. How was Mattis tangled up in this once web of deceit? Did he give the orders? Or was he just a messenger to #45 and is why he has called for a "Space Force"? Mattis served as the USSOD from 2017 to 2019 when he abruptly resigned. This is a man that served in the military for 4 decades and is considered a legendary icon and is greatly revered for his military prowess, integrity as well as his honorable intentions.  Level headed, logical, tactical are just a few words that have been used to describe Mattis.
At this moment we have asked DeLonge for an interview in order to suss out the answers to our questions and are waiting to hear back from his organization.
Next we will move into the sphere of the "Syndicate" which is made up of DC pols of which "Smoking Man" is a member. From there we will go into the significance of the "Alien Virus" also known as the "Purity Virus" and "The Black Cancer" by the Russians.

Legend Of The White Buffalo Calf Woman: Ladhotiyapi - Ptesanwin (HD) How I Met Chris Carter

In the third installment of "The Truth Is Out There", May 5, 2020,

 I had mentioned that I was in Santa Barbara, CA on July 22, 1995 putting a story to bed and was picking up another one...The White Buffalo.  I had decided to stay in town to attend Chris Carter's first public appearance and buy some of the X-Files comic books for him to autograph.
When it was my turn, Chris Carter looked up at me and asked "what's happening?" I shoved the paper at him which was turned to my story about the White Buffalo and said "this."  I felt so honored to be a part of his first public appearance and was glad to have signed copies of the X-Files comic books and a signed TV guide with an X-Files story inside.  Certificates of authenticity were also bought for each purchase.
I didn't give it much thought after that until my eldest son and I sat down to watch the X-Files'  third segment in the three part series of related stories. " Paper Clip" comes on and sure enough there is Albert Hosteen, Floyd Red Crow Westerman, speaking about the birth of a White Buffalo  and the significance of its birth.  Hosteen also tells the story of the White Buffalo Woman and how she came to the Lakota people and gave them a gift of the calumet and taught them how to use it. FYI the same family has been in possession of the calumet since the White Buffalo Woman gave it to the people.
As the White Buffalo Woman was leaving she morphed into a White Buffalo and walked away.
The birth of the White Buffalo calf is the indicator of great changes that are coming to the people.
During this time of illness and a collapsing of the economy it is a safe bet that the change that the birth of the White Buffalo predicted is upon us.  A White Buffalo calf was born around this same time and wasn't just a storyline in a sci-fi television show.

 Believe it.  Live it.  Embrace it.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Purity Virus (The X-Files Explored) Our COVID-19 Pandemic? The Truth Is Out There

The "Purity Virus" was deposited into the deep crevices of the Earth by the Gray Aliens centuries ago and left there until some young boys are playing around an entry point and one falls in.  The boy finds an old scull and lifts it up so his friends can see it.  A black oil like substance appears under his feet and starts moving up on him and then they invade his body. Much of X-Files over its seasons played with this Alien Virus concept and was not limited to any one season.  You know they have the virus when their eyes go dark.
The "Rebel" Aliens have their mouth and nose covered up so that they will not be infected with the Alien virus.  The "Rebels" do not agree with the Earth's colonization and subsequent take over orchestrated by the "Syndicate" and enter our realm to exterminate the "Colonists".  One must take care though because the "Colonists" have a green blood that is a lethal virus as well.  This virus can burn you.
As alluded to in the preceding blog, there are those that believe that the "Purity" virus is akin to our current Pandemic...COVID-19.
Animal Right's Activists have glommed onto the theory that the COVID-19 Virus came from Chinese Wet Markets because that is what they animals from the evil ravages that man offers up in the name of sustenance and enterprise. Now they are working to end Wet Markets in the USA.
Conspiracy Theory adherents adopted the concept that Microsoft founder Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci have been conducting secret experiments in a Chinese lab in Wuhan and elsewhere. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has taken this and has embraced it as part of his own personal cause and posts about it relentlessly on his Instagram account.  Apparently, the goal of Gates and Fauci is to inject all of us humans with some sort of chip that tracks our every move under the aegis of a vaccination. Given the weight that the Kennedy name carries in many circles it's no surprise that there are people in Europe that are embracing this concept and spreading. Leon Luis, a music publisher and consultant, in England has insisted to me that this is the case.  His friend Jack Ponti on Facebook is the, to those that believe this theory, the final say on such matters. Many of those people believe that COVID-19  is a cover-up for the release of the new 5G technology that is being unleashed upon an unsuspecting public.  This technology should not be used so cavalierly as it does have  some serious side effects.  Since it was installed into my apt building my ears have started ringing day and night and nothing makes it go away.
Then again, there is a more plausible theory that is more easily assimilated into one's personal credo. The COVID-19 Virus is a result of Climate Change and our Polar Ice Caps melting which in turn exposed germs that are prehistoric in nature and as a result there is no protocols set in place.
For myself, I keep coming back to the same question:  Why did the Pentagon wait until now to release footage of a fleet of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena that pilots encountered a years ago?  Why?
It is hard to get past the fact that the plan that President Andrew Jackson created to rid America of its "Indian Problem" was adapted by Adolf Hitler for his "Jewish Problem" and that #45 has a portrait of Jackson hanging in the Oval Office.  Just one of the tactics that Jackson used was to have  all the buffalo killed off on the Plains and leave them to rot which prevented the Plains tribes in the region from using the meat and hides to sustain themselves.
Don't ever be too smug in your illusion that your life matters to the current government and that they will take of care you.  They will take care of you alright, just not the way you think. You want to trust the government? ask an Indian.
As Guns N' Roses once said "Use Your Illusion."

Thursday, May 7, 2020

The next Syndicate Scenes from X-Files Season 3 Episode 2: Paperclip

The "Syndicate" is a group of men that operate with the respectable cover of politics in Washington, DC.  They are men of power and unlimited access to those that can benefit their nefarious endeavors.  In the case of this "Syndicate" it is nothing like the organized crime family known as "The Syndicate" which is made up of several ethnic groups that are pretty much into the same things as the Mafia/La Costa Nostra.  This "Syndicate" has tentacles that reach into the sacred realms of our government and its hallowed halls of governance.  These men have made a secret deal with a group of Extraterrestrial Alien Colonists to colonize the Earth hence the name "Colonists".  There is also a group of Alien "Rebels" that are opposed to the plans to Colonize the Earth and take over.
This brings to mind the theory explored early on in this series of blogs where the sightings that have now been documented and released to the public where the concept of the sightings being the "enemy" of those Aliens that have taken over DC is examined. What is really thought provoking is why did the Pentagon wait until very recently to release the tapes that acknowledge that there is a whole fleet of Alien Drones out there?  The taped encounters happened years ago...why now?
We are now in the midst of a catastrophic pandemic called COVID-19 Virus that is keeping people inside their homes and very paranoid all across the world.  If one thinks about it, why not now when the entire world is so preoccupied with acquiring toilet paper and obsessed with purchasing disinfecting wipes, hand sanitizers and now meat who is going to notice.  People are rioting in the streets and at their City Halls.  They are carrying weapons and are not wearing masks or wearing gloves. Those that are wearing masks are not covering their noses. In the X-Files the "Rebels" have their mouth and nose covered up to keep from being infected by an Alien"Purity" virus.
This occurrence is something I said was going to happen at Easter time and here we are. I've labeled them "Morphing Mutant Zombies."
There are plenty of theories about how this COVID-19 Virus began as the agent of world-wide death.  Some say wet markets in China while others say from a lab in China and that it's manmade.  Other's have linked Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci to the lab for the purpose of creating a pandemic and then find a vaccination to inject everyone in the world with some kind of "micro chips."  Or could it be a "Purity" virus straight out of the X-Files.  Still others say that isn't the case at all; it actually is a result of Climate Change and the Polar Ice Caps melting which is allowing ancient germs to surface.  These germs are like nothing Scientists and Doctors/Epidemiologists have ever seen.  If these germs are prehistoric I'm guessing they haven't developed a vaccination against it.  To those that subscribe to this interesting theory, the reason that #45 hasn't acknowledged this as the source of this dreadful virus is because he doesn't believe in Climate Change or that the Polar Ice Caps are melting as a result of the Climate Change.  Ergo #45's co-horts pander to his ego just like in "The Emperor's New Clothes."  #45's questionable co-horts include Mitch McConnell,  Lindsey Graham and Brett Kavanaugh as well as those that hold cabinet positions that they are not qualified for.  Some have resigned the way former Secretary of Defense General James Mattis did and fled for their lives while others were fired by #45 because they simply would not comply.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Season 3 Episode 1 Mulder is revived by Navajo healing ritual The Truth Is Out There

My eldest son and I started watching the "X-Files" from the beginning and it became a ritual to watch it.  By the time that the show was on season 2, with a season finale with the 1st of a 3 part series, it started to go into a storyline that was vaguely familiar to me for more than one reason...
I had the opportunity to meet up with Floyd Red Crow Westerman at a conference in Santa Barbara on Native American Mascots and how best to rid ourselves of them.  I was a Commissioner at the LAUSD American Indian Education Commission at the time and we were determined to at least rid ourselves of them in the LAUSD. We succeeded in 1992.  It was also at this time that I volunteered for the USO and would dance with Marines.  I was selected as their covergirl via LA Life Magazine.
As I watched Westerman speak he had an aura of dignity about him that ran deep. I could see his aura and he glowed such an amazing light.  This man had a purpose.  It is important to note that Westerman was affiliated with AIM (American Indian Movement) and he held a power within himself that was quiet, but could be felt from a distance.
In this time frame I also made the acquaintance of AIM member and Patriot Russell Means whose autographed picture hangs in my Rogue's Gallery along with a letter from him. Westerman was a childhood friend of AIM founder Dennis Banks. Banks and Westerman  became close at an Indian Boarding School.
On July 22, 1995 I was in Santa Barbara, CA putting a story to "bed" and was picking up a copy of the recently published one. It was about the White Buffalo and it's significance. I noticed a flyer posted that said Chris Carter (X-Files creator) was making his first ever public appearance at Metro Comics that day.  I decided to hang around and go.
Meeting Carter was such a thrill for me and  I picked up several copies of the "X-Files" comic books for him to sign as well as a copy of TV guide that had a story on "X-Files "inside.  I waited in line for my turn for what seemed like an eternity.  When it was my turn Carter looked up at me and asked me "what's happening" and I handed him the story of the White Buffalo and said "this."
Carter took it and set it down with some other things he had at the table he was using to autograph items.  I happily thanked Carter for this opportunity and left the store with my treasures.
A few months later my son and I are watching the "X-Files" and there is the legend of the White Buffalo unfolding in front of our eyes. While I'm sure that this episode had already been filmed by the time I had handed Carter the copy of my story, for me it was validation that there was a cosmic connection between us.  When it first came on I was drinking a glass of iced tea which was spit out of my mouth as the White Buffalo was born.
There were three parts to this story line. Anasazi ended the 2nd season and then at the beginning of the 3rd season Blessing Way and then Paper Clip.  Anasazi means "Ancient Aliens" which should make one stop for a moment say.....OMG. There has been much speculation as to what happened to make them disappear. One popular myth presents a case for them being eaten by some "cult" from down South to the Anasazi being assimilated into the "cult."  The fact that their name indicates that they were "heavenly bodies" leads one to explore the probability that they went back home.
These three pieces are intricately woven into a fabric of revelation much like the Cloak of Invisibility that the Klingons would use...the "Cloaking Devise." Coming in, in such a way is very advantageous to those that possess it. Just like anything, it does have an Achilles Tendon which makes it necessary to train warriors to guard that "tendon."  A good defense is as important as a good offense.
Over the course of the three shows there is so much wisdom being dispersed it takes awhile for it to all sink in.  Much like Michael Valentine's, Stranger In A Strange Land, "groks"  sinks in.
Fox Mulder's life gets pretty intense and he finds himself in a buried boxcar with human-alien hybrids and the "men in black" practically beat the life out Mulder and then Albert Hosteen (Floyd Red Crow Westerman) who blows my mind in this role enters. I don't think he was acting in this role of an Elder Navajo Code-Talker. If it had not been for the Code Talkers it is doubtful that the USA would have won WWII.
No, Westerman wasn't really a Navajo but he was a Dakota Sioux.
As for the "X-Files", it does exist within the  conclave of the FBI.  It has recently come to light that the Pentagon also has an "X-Files" which was granted $22 million over a period of time by former Nevada Senator Harry Reid. Reid is also the one that released US Navy tapes of "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" on April 27, 2020.  Reid served as a US Senator from 1987 to 2017 and was the Senate Majority Leader from 2007 to 2015. Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell assumed the position after Reid on January 3, 2015.

Monday, May 4, 2020

the x files theme song (full version)The Earth Has A Secret It Needs To Tell

Close your eyes and breath slowly in and out and picture yourself riding the wind like the ghost riders from the old days of yore and Johnny Cash was our traveling bard.
Open your eyes after a bit and read the following while the music plays on:

"There is an ancient Indian saying: something lives only for as long as the last person who remembers it.
My people have come to trust memory over history. Memory, like fire, is radiant and immutable while history serves only those who seek to control it-those who douse the flame of memory in order to put out the dangerous fire of truth.
Beware these men for they are dangerous and unwise. Their false history is written in the blood of those who might remember and seek the TRUTH. " Floyd Red Crow Westerman/Albert Hosteen/X-Files/Chris Carter.
"In the desert, things find a way to survive.  Secrets are like this too.  They push their way up through the sands of deception so that men can know them." Floyd Red Crow Westerman/Albert Hosteen/X-Files/Chris Carter.
After reading this close your eyes and go back into a meditative state and ponder how you "grok" what you've just read.  There is no doubt in my mind that these words are at the very core of our being and reminds me of the ancient stories I have heard and the one that stands out the most is one called "The Wisdom."
Ah-ho my elder, your wisdom lives on. Saleh  The Truth Is Out There


As a cub or fledgling reporter for The Round-Up, I was asked to cover a Fantasy Roll Playing (FRP) Convention near the LAX. At the time I had no idea what FRP was all about, but was about to jump in the realm of fantasy like never before.
As I made my way around the convention I came upon a table that carried all kinds of posters. One in particular caught my eye.  It looked like a STEALTH Bomber and was titled "The Last Line Of Defense."  I bought the poster and took it home and mounted it on my wall to act as a "vision" type of vision trigger.
Every time that I would begin a deep promotion for music or challenging politicians on their decision making processes, I would envision myself hoping into my F-14 A Tomcat and roar off into the sky and go after the chosen "targets." My name wasn't Maverick, it was "Maven" a "Top Gun Pilot". In the background of my vision Danger Zone is playing and my shots always matched those on the video. It was around this time that I volunteered with the USO and would dance with the Marines and became their covergirl on LA Life Magazine ,February 1992. My favorite was Twenty-Palms, CA.
As time has worn on Maven's jets have become more deadlier, faster and more feared until we are where we are now...STEALTH.
During the Van Nuys Air Shows I had the opportunity to meet with and chat up STEALTH pilots and ask a bunch of questions about maneuverability, range, sightings.  Whenever we got to sightings I would get giggles and "You don't want to know because we would have to kill you."  It doesn't take a genius to get what they meant.
The visions continue and I never grew out of how I do "business." If I pick up a troublesome project it's as the last line of defense and I am the "Top Gun" because I fly like no other.
The following short blogs are going to try and explain what is going on and what to expect.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Unidentified: Naval Pilot's Shocking UFO Encounter (Season 1) | History...The Truth Is Out There

This third video sews it all up into one nice and neat package.  There are larger ships landing and submerging and there are "tactic" UFO drones overseeing the mission.  In the video that is referenced here, and has been seen in the two prior videos, one of the pilots states  "there is a whole fleet of drones" which is confirmation of real sightings.  There can be no denying it.
Have you seen UFO's? Do you think that you have been abducted by UFO's?  If so you might want to contact: or just go their site:

The Nimitz Encounters...The Truth Is Out There

This second video from YouTube helps to explain what the military has been sighting for decades, but have been forced to keep quiet about.  The "men in black" come and scrub a place clean of all data and tell those that have seen these "UFO's" that they have seen nothing.
In this instance the McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet, which is a multirole fighter, is in play.  This aircraft is a twin engine, supersonic, all-weather, carrier-capable, combat jet designed as a fighter and attack aircraft.  IE this is a very sophisticated piece of aircraft technology with very skilled operators.
The tic tac shaped aircraft could very well be alien drones which is what a fighter pilot said he saw in another prior video from 2015. In fact he states that there was "a whole fleet of them."
Musings has been a fan of the "X-Files" since the beginning and hung on every extraterrestrial episode.  In fact, when the show's creator Chris Carter made his first public appearance in Santa Barbara at a comic book store I was able to meet him and have him sign some "X-Files"  comic books with certificates of authenticity.  On the comic book hanging in my living room to this day is the inscription "The Truth Is Out There."

Pilots report encounters with high-flying objects/The Truth Is Out there

This video was recently posted to Twitter by a U S Senator who felt that the world needed to know to the truth.  As I watched this video I felt that I was vindicated because I've been having dreams about UFO's and was left to wonder WTF. To put this into perspective I was also having dreams about riots occurring and look what is happening now.
My posting of this led to a few interesting conversations on Facebook.  One friend upon viewing this video said that they felt that DC had been taken over by alien beings. Another one had posted "2020 has been so wild that the government just confirmed UFO's are real & no one cares."
As for myself, I like thinking that yes DC has been taken over by reptilian like creatures from outer space and that the ones being sighted now are doing recon missions to suss out their enemy.  Once they are in a position of power they will begin their strikes at their reptilian enemy's.  I plan on not involving myself in that debacle as those in DC are despicable and deserve whatever happens to them via aliens. This footage is just the tip of what's really going on.  As "X-Files" creator Chris Carter signed on one of my "X-Files" comic books "The truth is out there."

Barbra Streisand - Don't Lie to Me (Official Lyric Video)

This video appeared in my Facebook feed today (May 1, 2020) and I thought at first that this must be a new piece by "Babs". Upon further inspection it was posted onto YouTube  on October 9, 2018 which is around the time that #45 decimated the Pandemic Emergency Response Team and cut funding to the Center for Disease Control.
The lyrics in the song and the content in the video are very powerful and gave me goosebumps with  its powerful imagery.  It goes over everything that has been said about #45 including a vivid visual image of the on-going tally of how many lies this individual has told the public. It feels as if he is of a mind frame that quite frankly escapes my comprehension..."why tell the truth when a lie will do."
"Babs'" voice is in full blown surge and hits her notes impeccably like the professional that she is.  Her voice has a way of sucking one in and pulling them into her song's essence and takes you on a journey into the realm of her chosen subject.  In this case the subject is #45 whose legacy will go down in history text books as the greatest failure in American history and a bigger disaster than the "Edsel" car.
The imagery that "Babs" has chosen to tell her story is quite engaging and memorable which deserves an award just for this part of the content. Her talent is above reproach and is iconic in its steadfast course to tell her story.  Relax, close your eyes and understand what you are hearing and appreciate the talent that has gone into it.
As of this date most of us have pretty much had it with #45 and hold him responsible for the COVID-19 unrelenting assault upon the citizens of the United States as well as the world. #45 did nothing but lie and play down the real danger that this "plague"  has cast and it's devious effects upon any poor soul who "catches" it.
Someone posted an interesting question the other day on social media.  They asked "What have you learned about yourself during the quarantine."  My answer was "I have discovered that I am a Darwinist."  Shocked me to think of myself as that, but it is what it is.