Tuesday, June 14, 2022

When All Else Fails Cling To The Truth...KARMA

When things get dark and it appears that there is no way out one must cling to the truth as your life raft.  When a lot of lies,  disinformation and distortions of the truth are being put out there, cling to the truth and pray that in time the truth will be revealed either through an awakening or via karma. 

Karma is an interesting concept indeed.  One person's concept of karma can differ wildly from another's perception.  What makes the difference is owning one's behaviors and looking at one's motivation for telling untruths.  That person may be hurt over something another person has done, but unless they are willing to take a close look at their own behaviors such as alcohol abuse and domestic violence that karma is going to bounce back on them.

The concept of karma is often misconstrued and misunderstood and therefore doesn't always appear when a person thinks it should.  A person may tell lies and create situations to exhibit the evidence of karma.  That is not karma, unfortunately some people will keep repeating the "karma unrealized" scenario until they believe karma has been achieved.  These individuals will sink to using their own children as weapons to mete out their idea of karma and will stretch the truth and tell lies to achieve their perception of karma.

Holding onto the truth as one would a life raft will keep one from committing the above scenario.  The ride will be bumpy and have many dark moments, but hold onto the truth as the selected target of said behaviors keeps sinking deeper and deeper into their delusion of what karma should be.  If the person sinking keeps up their negative behavior, they will manifest a myriad of illnesses. 

A recent occurrence on Mother's Day 2022 has driven home that scenario.

When Covid-19 was in full swing in March of 2020 a relative came to me in need of financial help; I had not heard from this person for eight years and found myself feeling a lot of emotions.  I did not use the past or the eight- year- absence as an example as to why I should not help them.  During the year that followed I gave that person lots of money, allowed them to use my debit card to buy groceries and sent them things via Amazon.  I also did my best to help them get money and rental help. All the while being tight lipped about how their absence had hurt me. All I wanted to do was help. I did put my position about certain family matters out there.

During this time other relatives where on my back pressuring me to do something because the relative I was helping had gone to the "dark side" and was an alcoholic and I needed to put them in rehab.  The only way to do that was to get a power of attorney over them.  It is important to note here that these people trying to manipulate me had done NOTHING to help the relative themselves and only offered up negativity. This includes the Judas Goat that paid the troubled relative a visit before Mother's Day.

So much stress was put upon me by family members that I went to therapy to navigate my way through the tangled mess that (I won't even say well meaning) family had created.  The therapist got me to focus on the family member that appeared to be behind it all and deal with their behavior by calling them out in a blog and art as well as telling people what they had done. The idea of gaining power of attorney and putting the other family member in rehab had left and I told the family that if they wanted it they could do it themselves.  I knew that they would never do it for a lot of reasons.

I made sure that the relatives had copies of what had to be done to get power of attorney and how much they were responsible for.  As I said, I knew it would never happen because the whole purpose was to create difficulties with my relationship with the relative that needed help and not anything else.

The relative behind the problem backed off for awhile and things were ok until Mother's Day 2022 where I was met with anger by the relative for doing that.  Another relative had "dropped" by to tell them about my "evil" plan to commit them a few days before my arrival. This individual also told the person needing help that the person behind all of the problems was dying.  The fact that I hadn't actually done anything and put myself in therapy to stay the right course was lost. 

The perpetrator has been an alcoholic since their 20's and it became a huge problem as they aged.  Now, this person has lost their eyesight and their license as well as having shaking issues which is a symptom of Parkinson's Disease.  IE these issues were brought on by their own choice and nothing more.  They chose to drink ergo they became ill.  Wanna label that karma? Be my guest.

As was published in a prior blog, a person that drinks and is abusive will do anything to protect themselves from the TRUTH, while self-righteously proclaiming the sin of the "victim"cheating on them.  Honestly, people with a severe case of PTSD do not make the best decisions and who wouldn't have done something equally stupid.

Getting back to Mother's Day 2022, I apologized but also asked who had told them. Their response was to say "Oh come on, you can't lie about it." Who lied? I was being spoken to as if I were lying about it all.  I do know where the info came from if anyone is interested.

The next day there was a serious fire across from where the relative lives.  They contacted me to seek help via prayers and chanting (I am a Buddhist) and I also spoke to the system there to make sure they had help if they needed it. Their residence was spared.

In spite of this help the relative has not answered emails or texts so it is safe to assume that they have bought the lie/s and are acting the way the person that orchestrated the mess wanted...ie tool.

A few weeks ago I sent an email to the perpetrator asking them to please stop using the family as weapons to get back at me for my unsavory behavior. I also said I had figured out that they were behind the accusation that I was weaponizing relatives all because I refused to put myself in a position to be a victim of their alcoholic rage. The therapist had said that wasn't reasonable or rational thinking on their part so I threw that in. Still in denial of their alcoholic rages and abuse.

I also pointed out that they needed to stop telling lies and come clean about their behavior...ie the truth.  In addition, I also stated that whatever they have going on in their head isn't me and that we are estranged for a reason. 

I really dodged a bullet on that one given the precarious health issues that person is now facing.

These appear to be dark days for me, but I have the truth and the truth will set you free.

Coming up next will be certain things that were said and done and PTSD which I was treated for.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Cruel World Festival May 14, 2022 Photos

Blondie under a full moon
The Damned

Blondie/Debbie Harry



Devo w/obey sticker on guitar





Jay Aston/GeneLoves Jezebel

The Meteors

Missing Persons

Missing Persons


Friday, May 6, 2022

Let Her Run (Official Video) - JD Hardy/ JD Hardy At The Bourbon Room

When #musicmaven9 first began hearing about Country music's "Bad Boy from Bakersfield" and all the plans that were in the works for him, we decided to sit back and let his music take JD on a magical mystery soiree into his vision and making it work in Hollywood.

During his show at Hollywood's Bourbon Room, JD Hardy played a rocking' Country set of his originals such as "Let Her Run" which really epitomizes what Country music is all about and Hardy also threw into the set Guns N' Roses' "Sweet Child O' Mine"in order to pay homage to his high powered, Grammy winning, record executive and manager Vicky Hamilton.

Hamilton and Hardy took a working jaunt to Nashville, Tennessee recently to play a gig there at The Basement for "New Faces" night and then they began working on some material of Hardy's at the infamous and legendary "Cash Cabin." The "Cash Cabin" is where John Carter Cash's mother June Carter Cash recorded a Grammy winning album titled "Press On" under the watchful eyes and trained ears of the irrepressible Hamilton. During those sessions Country talents Rodney Crowell and Marty Stuart were jamming right along with Cash.  

#musicmaven9 cannot wait to hear his new material recorded under the aegis of John Carter Cash and a very talented bunch of Country music denizens such as Trey Call. Wonder what Hardy will call it? His most recent album is titled "Killer" which resonates.  During his set at the Bourbon Room he was repeating phrases like C'Mon Back and was throwing the label of "Outlaw Country" around just a bit.

Whatever the title Hardy dubs this effort, I'm sure it will live up to his  "Bad Boy of Bakersfield"  reputation and his penchant for creating authentic and unique sounds.

The only thing that #musicmaven9 asks is that Hardy keeps his boots and Stetson on for all photos. It was too much of a shock to see Hardy in a cap and tennis sneakers for #musicmaven9 to wrap her head around.

We did find the decor of the Bourbon Room delightful, interesting and very male but done up tastefully and was a nice place to do some drinking. This was our maiden voyage into the dark recesses of the Bourbon Room.  

As I recently reiterated in a message to Orville Peck "just because I am known primarily for Rock and Rock N' Roll (there is a difference) doesn't mean that I cannot make the crossover to Country the same way that some Country artists cross over to Rock N' Roll/Rock...case in point Hardy doing "Sweet Child O' Mine" by Guns N' Roses and doing it very well."  

It all kind of reminded me of Gram Parsons' "Cosmic American Music" in its play on Rock N' Roll/Rock music as well as Country and how much influence Parsons' had upon his fellow musicians such as The Rolling Stones. Maybe Hardy is the same kind of force as Parsons was to music.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Orville Peck, Shania Twain - Legends Never Die (Official Video)/Orville Peck at The Arlington Theater in Santa Barbara

I first heard Orville Peck while shopping at Black Luck Vintage in Yucca, CA.  The proprietress was playing it on her jukebox and I was entranced by his voice.  His crooning takes me to a cross between Elvis, Roy Orbison and Chris Issak.

That was two years go and I finally saw him in concert in Santa Barbara, CA on April 26, which is my mother's birthday, at The Arlington theater. I brought my recently widowed friend Gabi so she could enjoy a night out.

The opening act was a fledgeling band that call themselves Teddy and The Rough Riders.  For those that don't see the historical significance of this name let me explain.  President Teddy Roosevelt had a band of brothers that he called the rough riders.

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are" Roosevelt is credited with saying.

Roosevelt is credited with founding The Rough Riders with White House physician Col. Leonard Wood prior to becoming President.  The rough riders helped fight the Battle of San Juan Hill which helped to win the Spanish American War.

The band Teddy and The Rough Riders hails from Nashville, Tennessee where they've been working on an album. The band has a long way to go before they'll be headlining a concert.  My companion kept looking at me like "why did you bring me here for this." I explained that she had to wait for Orville Peck in order to receive the full effect that comes from a headlining act.  I also explained that their music was lacking in beats that pull you in, a backbeat that clenches the deal and lyrics that catch your interest.  In other words a fledgeling band who will learn the ropes traveling and watching Peck.

The excitement of the crowd that arrived in time to see Peck perform was joyful and in the mood to party...Peck did not disappoint.  Peck brought it! This appearance was a make-up gig because the original show was cancelled due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

This tour was dubbed The Bronco Tour and would be spending a lot of time touring in California.  The Coachella for both weekends, The Stagecoach Festival, Pappy & Harriets and The Palomino Festival in Pasadena, CA July 9 to name just a few.

As Peck bobbed out onto the stage sporting a braided, fringed mask and some very nice fitting western wear the crowd went wild and stood up for the entire set.  I was thinking "nice ass."

It was nice to see that Peck had a female in his band and she appeared to be playing bass guitar and sang duets with Peck.  My companion turned to me and said "isn't it nice that his wife plays with him."  I tried hard not to laugh because she wasn't his wife, in fact he is gay.  This fact was what Billboard Magazine chose to put in the first paragraph in the first line of a story about Peck. SMH.

Anyway, the crowd stood up for the whole entire set of Pecks which my fancy shoes, not cowgirl boots, would not allow me to do so I only stood up for my favorite songs.  My companion complained about their standing for the whole show and I told her that is pretty standard at gigs these days...standing.

The funny ha ha thing is that I've never seen so many boots and Stetsons in Santa Barbara in all the years I've been hanging out there, working and living there for around seven years.  There isn't even a Western store in Santa Barbara since Jedlickas closed down some time ago.  

The crowd was large mixture of younger and a bit of older such as myself and Gabi.  Yeah, we're old farts.

My very favorite song in Peck's set is all of them! My very favorite song by Peck in general thus far is "Legends Never Die" which is why I selected it as the featured video. 

Friday, January 28, 2022

The Deadening by Deborah Hanon & Ministers of Culture: Give it a try

We first heard Deborah Hanon at a nightclub where her band, Lost Pilots,  did a cover of "Dancing Barefoot" by Patti Smith and she had me hook line and sinker.  Our fondness for Smith is no secret and was the subject of a column for the nohoartsdidtrict.com a few months back.  
At an interview that we conducted later on we found out that Hanon is a big fan of Smith's music. We've read the same books and own the same music.
"The Deadening" by Hanon and Ministers of Culture offers up a narrative that would make Smith proud. The music, beat, cadence all comes together to offer up a fine piece of story telling.
When we went to a record release party at the Club Lingerie for Hanon and her band back then we missed out on meeting up with Metal Maven Vicky Hamilton.  Hamilton was there in support of Hanon and much to our chagrin decades later wondered how we missed her.
Hamilton has her own record label now and this tune is released on her "Dark Spark" label.  "The Deadening" is available on music streaming platforms.