All the time you see people writing a lot of allegations about this politician or that politician being crooked on social media. Some posters will even go as far as to say what they are being crooked with, but not one iota of proof/evidence.
Allegations are just talk. You need to have evidence to back up your allegations. If you don't have evidence then you need to word you accusations differently. One way that you can catch a crooked politician is with paperwork. Paperwork from the system itself is the best way to garner proof of your suspicions.
One time many years ago I accidentally stumbled upon the easiest way to get proof of wrongdoing. I was pissed at my landlord and got tired of hitting a brick wall so I went to the County Tax Accessor's office to get a print out on him via property tax records.
When the clerk was handing me the info, she said hmmm this property sold way below market value. Sure enough fishing around for similar properties in the area all were much higher except for my landlord. He happened to be an officer of the court so it didn't take a lot of genius to figure out what had transpired.
The matter was handed over to some very smart attorneys to finish off.
Now with the homeless comes a whole new scheme. It isn't totally illegal, but is unethical here in Los Angeles, CA and is as bad as insider trading as far as I am concerned.
These days there are more homeless than ever before. The problem began when President RWR decided to get rid of federal funding for the mentally ill and psych facilities. Since then responsibility has been shifted around to avoid directly solving the problem.
Our politicians across America haven't entertained the idea of putting funding back and rewriting laws to accommodate the shift in funding. Some of these politicians got wise and realized that if they did nothing except open their towns to "camping" out in the neighborhoods that are in their cities that property values would go down.
Once the property values in certain areas go down, then they could buy up the properties at rock bottom prices and resell them for many times more than what they paid. Sometimes it is to developers and other times it has been to the very same system they work for. In some of those cases it was land to build homes for the homeless.
A few of Los Angeles' politicians have gotten caught up in a scandal that involved land and developers awhile back.
I like to call these carpet bagging opportunists Real Estate Barons.
You probably know of a few where you are. It isn't limited to a political party in particular. It crosses the spectrum of politics.
Let's review. You go into your County Tax accessor and ask for info on a particular address/addresses. When they hand you the paperwork ask them for the fair market value. If something seems askew, then do a title search by name. If you have the address/addresses handy use those.
This service is not for free. You will have to pay for the info, but at least you'll rest easier knowing that you are going to catch an unethical Real Estate Baron.